The above link tag Kelly A. Kehs artwork: "Incomplete"

Painting of the day

Painting of the day
Reliving The Day

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a few days-I have been busy trying to get the clothing line in order. This painting is one that was such a struggle to complete. I started it a few years ago and put it aside. Every time I would look at it I would kinda grunt and put it back. I just didn't know what to do with it. It's strange how some paintings just flow and some seem to never want to be finished. I often think how different this painting would have turned out if I would have completed it at another time in my life. I feel that sometimes these paintings are meant to wait for the right moment. This painting was originallly quite murky, which might say something about my state of mind when I started working on it. I have been in a much better place in life and I think that comes through in the bold colors. So, I guess in a way I am glad I waited until now to complete this piece. Enjoy! :)

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